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It is my intention to give the readers a better understanding of what we do to maintain The Farms Country Club's 18 hole championship golf course and grounds.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We Are Aerifying Greens Next Week!

We will be aerifying greens next week starting on Wednesday, September 22nd. The course will be closed both Wednesday and Thursday. The September aerification will be performed with 3/8 inch tines (see photo below). This slightly smaller tine will be less invasive than last September’s process when we double aerified using both 1/2 inch tines and 3/4 inch deep-tines.
This year we decided to do our deep-tine aerification in early to mid-November to improve October playing conditions. Deep-tining of the greens will be performed with 1/2 inch tines instead of 3/4 inch tines. This will improve the early season healing in 2011.
Late September aerification always poses its challenges because the days are shorter and the temperatures are cooler. Obviously, shorter work days make it harder for the staff to complete the job quickly. Cooler temperatures and the lower angle of the sun means it takes longer for the sand to dry, in turn, lengthening the topdressing process.
In addition to the above mentioned challenges, we will be getting a slightly later start (Wednesday AM). Normally we get a head start because we can begin on Monday afternoon after the morning outside event. This year we have happily added a Tuesday afternoon outside event.
I would like to reiterate that aerification is the single most beneficial cultural practice we can perform on fine turfgrass. It is the cornerstone of our maintenance program. Without it we would not have been able to survive a summer like the one experienced this year.

We Will Be Using a 3/8 Inch Tine For a Quicker Recovery